Captain America: The Winter Soldier
- By Anthony Sherratt
- 11 years ago
What’s it about?
What happens when a superhero dedicated to American ideals starts questioning the government organisation he works for?
What did we think?
Anthony Sherratt says: The Captain America sequel is a rollicking comic book adventure with a nice modern twist: How does an all-american hero with 1940s ideals fit into a world of black-ops and clandestine government strategies? It’s a refreshing angle though turns out to be a little simplistic in delivery.
Thankfully there’s a barrage of action, stunts and fighting to distract you from the occasional clunkiness and predictable moments. Good character development further establishes this as not only a fun movie but a very important touchstone for future Marvel franchise flicks. Chris Evans brings out the conflict of Steve Rogers Man Out Of Time and his interaction with seemingly heartless super spy Natasha Romanov (Scarlett Johanssen) is a delight. Entertaining and one both comic lovers and casuals will appreciate.