22 Jump Street
- By Elizabeth Best
- 11 years ago
What’s it about?
Remember they made a comedy movie based on that TV show, which launched Johnny Depp’s career, about undercover cops infiltrating a high school? This is the sequel paying homage to all sequels. Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum are back and they’re off to college to do “exactly the same mission” they had to do in the first movie.
What did we think?
Tom Harrison says: The movie plays to sequel tropes and works best with its self-aware humour. When it works it works but, with Hill and Tatum bickering about their friendship it quickly falls into the same rut every Judd Apatow “bro-love” styled movie seems to. The humour and pacing are solid and it’s much more enjoyable than the first outing. In the end it does what any good sequel should do, which is be bigger, funnier, and generally better than the first one.