Now You See Me 2
- By Anthony Sherratt
- 9 years ago
What’s it about?
Your favourite vigilante illusionists are back out of hiding but they’re quickly leveraged into pulling off a big heist.
What did we think?
Dan says: Disclaimer: I enjoyed Highlander 2 when I first saw it because I’d never seen the first and didn’t realise what it was destroying. This could also be the case with this sequel.
Heist films have had to become more and more fanciful since Simon Dermott activated an alarm with a boomerang in ‘How to steal a million’. Now they seem to require back-flipping samurai or driving Mini Coopers down hallways. Ed Solomon (Bill and Ted) pens absurd levels of silliness in this caper. It’s delightful and joyous, but try not to work out how they did the tricks… or in fact anything… during their escapades. Best to allow them to make your brain disappear, then reappear after the credits roll.
Ta DA!