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The Sense of an Ending

What’s it about? 
Tony (Jim Broadbent) leads a reclusive, curmudgeonly existence until a letter from his past resurfaces and forces him to confront his flawed recollections of his past in the film adaptation of Julian Barnes’ Man Booker Prize-winning novel.

What did we think?
Elizabeth Best says: It’s ironic that a film about missing memories seems to be missing a crucial “ah-hah” moment for a satisfying conclusion. I kept waiting for a payoff to justify the slow burning, mysterious atmosphere and when it came, it proved too ambiguous and open-ended to provide any closure. Perhaps that’s the point; that in life we may never know the full story. It’s a fine point to make philosophically but proves for a less than satisfying experience for film-goers. Not even captivating performances from all, especially Broadbent, weren’t enough to shake the feeling that something was lost in translation from page to screen.

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

What’s it all about then?

From the beginnin’. Well, there’s this roguish lad see, an’ ‘e an’ his mates are plannin’ a heist …
‘Old on, ‘old on. Yer sure nothin’ ‘appened before the beginnin’? Aw yeah, that’s right. Ye see (flashback) the kid’s not the bastard son of a prostitute, but actually heir to ye olde Englaland’s throne.
That’s more like it my son. Go on … There’s this magical scimitar an’ rooftop parkour an’ a kind-but-fair oriental fight instructor, y’know, everything you’d expect in 6th century Londinium …

What did we think?

Stephen Scott says: in a gloriously raucous post-Roman-occupied Britanniae, trouble is brewing in a cockney lad’s-own adventure that’s bleedingly obviously directed by Guy Ritchie without having all the promos blaring it at a million decibels. Fast, romance-free, with a (fantastic) soundtrack that makes you go “yeah – that’s what action movie music must’ve sounded like in 629AD”, it’s Lock Stock and One Smoking Excalibur. Exactly what you expect.


What’s it about?
A girl who’s just been dumped takes her mum on her romantic trip to Equador after she realises the tickets are non-refundable. They get kidnapped.

What did we think?
Elizabeth Best says: It’s funny how Amy Schumer’s latest feature film is no Trainwreck at the same time as being a total trainwreck. It straddles the line of gross-out comedy and high-stakes kidnap flick without ever truly landing either. Accidental violent murders are followed up with fart and dick jokes and the whole thing feels awkward; much like the girls, it’s a little bit lost. The laugh-out-loud jokes that DID land (a few courtesy of a hilarious cameo by Joan Cusack) feel like they’ve been snatched from a much better film.

Alien: Covenant

What it’s about?
A crew of colonists find themselves tracking an alien signal only to find… well, an alien.
What did we think?
Nick Bleeker says: Putting aside the fact that there’s not a lot “new” in Covenant, Michael Fassbender delivers an electrifying performance, the action and gore is insane, and the film looks wonderful. Even shorter review? It’s better than Prometheus.

A Dog’s Purpose

What’s it about?

A dog searches for the meaning of his life by living many lives himself. Yes, there are multiple dog deaths.

What did we think?

Anthony Sherratt says: The trailer promised it would be a tear-jerker but A Dog’s Purpose surprisingly turned out to also be very funny and intelligent. Yes, it’s hard to not cry (it was a very dusty cinema dammit – stuff kept getting in my eyes) but you’re left seeing it as an incredibly sweet movie. As someone who has never really recovered from losing his childhood dog, I didn’t think I’d be able to enjoy this one, but I actually really liked it.

Pork Pie

A kiwi romp?

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