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The Promise

What’s it about?
WWI saw many atrocities, but the Armenian genocide is one that is fading from history. That story is told via the romantic rivalry between a medical student and a renowned journalist with Anna, an Armenian freshly returned from France.

What did we think?
Stephen Scott says: A poignant and timely reminder of where racism / intolerance / bigotry leads to. Luckily the love triangle doesn’t drag you in completely or the heartbreak of what happens to their families would tear you apart. Genocide is brutal and horrific, and The Promise pulls no punches in that regard, at times the stark brutal reality of war borders on traumatising. The romance is a sugar coating to attract audiences, which hopefully works, because this is a story that deserves to be seen by the masses. Continue Reading

Wonder Woman

What is it about?
Amazon princess Diana (Gal Gadot) lives on an island paradise hidden from the world, where she trains as a warrior. When Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) crashes and tells Diana of the war raging in the outside world, she joins him, believing she is destined to bring it to an end.

What did we think?
Francesca Percy says: “Well,” I said hopefully, as we walked into the cinema, “it can’t be any worse than Batman vs Superman!” And let’s all breathe a sigh of relief, because not only is it better than that best-forgotten shambles, Wonder Woman is actually really very good. Director Patty Jenkins has created a world with well-rounded characters, a clear, well-developed plot (hallelujah!), action, drama, comedy and heart.


What’s it about?
In a near-future society, people can have timers implanted that let them countdown to when they’ll meet their soulmate. But should we know? And how do people – and society as a whole – react to the change in dynamic?

What did we think?
Anthony Sherratt says: One of those rare films that poses thought-provoking questions without becoming preachy with answers. In fact a lot of the questions – both subtle and directly – are wonderful explorations about romantic expectations and attitude. Emma Caulfield is incredible as a girl feeling the pressure of finding a soulmate in a world where science has supposedly found a way to guarantee knowing your soulmate. But is love still powerful without mystery? A delightful independent flick that connoisseurs (and sociologists) will enjoy. Not to mention the romantics of course.


A misanthrope and a daughter he hasn’t met. What could go wrong?

20th Century Women

What’s it about?
Two women, a man, a boy approaching manhood and a girl becoming a woman face their own crisis of confidence in that short burst of creativity during the late 70’s when punk flared then disappeared as quickly as it came. At its core, a 55 year-old mother is frustrated at her perceived inability to raise her 15 year-old son into manhood.

What did we think?
Stephen Scott says: Coming of age isn’t only for pre-pubescents. The revelations of this share-house-moulded, psuedo-intergenerational family prove it. An endearing exploration of how an individual’s response to the realisation of “this is as good as it gets” changes – with a sharp focus on the pivotal point of puberty via 15, 17 & 24 year-old perspectives.

It’s vexing pinpointing what is so enthralling about this nebulous reflection on everything and nothing. Perhaps it’s best left to the bohemian Abbie’s wistful explanation of the musical ineptitude of punk musicians: “it’s really interesting what happens when your passion is bigger than the tools you have to deal with it. It creates this energy that’s raw. Isn’t it great?”.


What’s it about?
Mitch Buchanan (Dwayne Johnson) is the ultimate boy scout of lifeguards. But when illegal drugs threaten the sanctity of his bay, he and his team take it upon themselves to expose the criminal plot.

What did we think?
Lisa Clifford says: I really wanted to like this one. I used to love watching the cheesy 90s original and I even appreciate the genial charms of Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron. But by the mid-way mark, I was ready to raise an arm and call for somebody to ‘saaaaaaaaaaave me’ (*cue theme song*).

Despite a few laughs and a LOT of gratuitous (but equal opportunity!) body shots, Baywatch suffers a MAJOR identity crisis that causes a lack of cohesion. Is it a re-boot? A parody of the original? Or an awkward continuation of the original Baywatch universe, where the ‘new class’ of lifeguards have the have the exact same names as their predecessors for some bizarre reason? Good luck trying to figure it out, because I doubt anyone involved with the movie has yet.

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