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Isle of Dogs

What’s it about?
In the near future the dogs of Japan are diseased and dangerous. Every dog is sequestered on a trash filled island off the coast. Six months later a young boy steals a plane in a desperate attempt to rescue his beloved pet.

What we thought
Dan says: Wes Anderson’s film-making is exceptional but I find his stories chaotic and unsatisfying. In Isle of Dogs his art is recontextualised by the sublime stop motion puppeteering and the Japanese locations. It makes it much easier to settle in and appreciate a performance, rather than a story. The narrative is thin on the ground but that’s not what you’re watching for. The theme of lost dogs is so beautifully crafted that I can only urge you to get out and see this film.

“They’re good dogs Brent”

Peter Rabbit

What’s it about?
A young family orphaned by their violent neighbour, who killed (and ate!) their father, seeks murderous revenge on his nephew.

What did we think?
Stephen Scott says: if you’d let your kids watch the homicidal activities of Itchy & Scratchy or Wiley Coyote & Roadrunner, then you’ll all have a ball with this cute and highly modernised take on the beloved classic. As with all good family films, it works on many levels, with a simple storyline for the five year olds up to some quirky characters for the adults. Hilarious and stupid fun.

Ready Player One

What’s it about?
The creator of a virtual reality empire dies and leaves behind a treasure hunt. The winner gets billions of dollars and control of the entire game.

What did we think?
Sarah Taviani says: While some parts feel a bit clunky, Ready Player One is a blockbuster event that will have you chuckling over the endless pop culture references. And thanks to its engrossing concept and visual effects you’ll be happy to overlook the small issues of complicated world-building and consistent characters. Whether you’ve played one video game or hundreds, it’s not hard to get sucked in and wish you could be part of the OASIS.

A Quiet Place

What’s it about?
Monsters that hunt through any form of sound prey amongst the living (and Jim from The Office needs him and his family to survive).

What did we think?
Nick says: 24 hours after seeing this my heart is still beating well above what is medically okay. A Quiet Place establishes the rules of its universe really nicely and adheres to them perfectly, delivering its thrills and tension from the first minute. A terrific debut from Krasinski who delivers a horror film that consistently keeps you on your toes and is emotionally affecting in every way.

A Wrinkle In Time

What’s it about?
Meg is an adorable tween struggling with the loss of her father and her own battle with poor self-esteem. She is then visited by some do-good fairy types who enlist her to save her father, her universe and her own self worth.

What we thought
Dan says: Like Labyrinth or The Wizard of Oz this tells the tale of a young girl defeating evil by having a bunch of visually charged and unrelated experiences. Set piece after set piece assaults your senses and any one of them could be removed and you’d never know.

This is a bold risk by Disney. Sometimes risks pay off, but there’s a reason it’s called a risk. I love that this film exists and I adore even more that it finally ended and I don’t have to watch it again.

Pacific Rim Uprising

What’s it about?

What we thought
Dan says: This is Pacific Rim ‘Lite’ and the one thing the original had going for it was that it was ‘heavy’: big characters, strong acting, imposing composition. They’ve replaced that with shrill teens, frenetic CGI and the goofy guy from Star Wars.

The first Pacific Rim film was far better than it had any right to be. This film takes that masterfully realised universe and splashes around the shallow end.

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