In Time
- By admin
- 13 years ago
What’s it about?
Imagine a society where no one ages beyond 25, except for those rich enough to buy time. Add a rebel from the ghetto who is falsely accused of murdering a wealthy man for his time, and goes on the run with a beautiful hostage.
What did we think?
Anthony says: Fascinating premise that starts well but trails off until an ending that defies logic and economic reality. Lots of eye candy and, depending on your friends, it may invoke some interesting discussions on financial and social disparity but it somehow disappoints.
RIP Bob Anderson
- By admin
- 13 years ago
You may not know the name but you know his work. My favourite sword fight scene of all time is Inigio Montoyez and the Dread Pirate Roberts. Anderson choreographed it.
Darth Vader fighting? Actually Bob Anderson in the suit.
James Bond, Zorro, Pirates of the Caribbean and even the cast of the Lord Of The Rings… Bob Anderson. He even coached and choreographed Errol Flynn.
Still not enough? He was the swordmaster on the Highlander TV show and even worked on some of the Superman movies as well as the Guns Of Navarone.
Thank you so much for some of my favourite scenes and moments Bob.
The Town
- By admin
- 13 years ago
What’s it about?
As he plans his next job, a longtime thief tries to balance his feelings for a bank manager connected to one of his earlier heists, as well as the FBI agent looking to bring him and his crew down.
What do we think?
Anthony says: Wow. An engaging movie with strong characters and deep insight into a world where crime is a way of life. Wonderfully realistic, this film demonstrates that life is shades of grey rather than black and white.
- By admin
- 13 years ago
What’s it about?
A vacationing woman meets her ideal man, leading to a swift marriage. Back at home, however, their idyllic life is upset when they discover their neighbors could be assassins who have been contracted to kill the couple.
What do we think?
Anthony says: One of the trailers for this movie was the upcoming Pirahna 3-D which looks horrendous. Now I think they put that trailer in deliberately to make this cr4p film look better by comparison. Not even Tom Selleck can save this one.
Fright Night
- By admin
- 13 years ago
What’s it about?
A teenager suspects his neighbour is a vampire. What? In this day and age? But what IF he really is…?
What did we think?
Anthony says: Not quite horror and not quite comedy, Fright Night is simply fun. A vampire movie either has to be suspenseful or an entertaining romp. This is the latter. A remake of the 80s film of the same name, Fright Night dishes out laughs and suspense in equal proportions. Colin Farrell and David Tennant steal the show.
The Smurfs
- By admin
- 13 years ago
What’s it about?
When the evil wizard Gargamel chases the tiny blue Smurfs out of their village, they tumble from their magical world into New York City.
What do we think?
Anthony says: The movie poster asks “Where the smurf are we?” I’m inclined to ask “what the smurf was that?” With a storyline from cliche central, there’s nothing truly engaging here if you’re above the age of 12. In fact, it seems to spend more time trying to appeal than actually coming up with an entertaining story.
They smurfed it up.