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Fright Night

What’s it about?
A teenager suspects his neighbour is a vampire. What? In this day and age? But what IF he really is…?

What did we think?
Anthony says: Not quite horror and not quite comedy, Fright Night is simply fun. A vampire movie either has to be suspenseful or an entertaining romp. This is the latter. A remake of the 80s film of the same name, Fright Night dishes out laughs and suspense in equal proportions. Colin Farrell and David Tennant steal the show.

The Smurfs

What’s it about?
When the evil wizard Gargamel chases the tiny blue Smurfs out of their village, they tumble from their magical world into New York City.

What do we think?
Anthony says: The movie poster asks “Where the smurf are we?” I’m inclined to ask “what the smurf was that?”  With a storyline from cliche central, there’s nothing truly engaging here if you’re above the age of 12. In fact, it seems to spend more time trying to appeal than actually coming up with an entertaining story.

They smurfed it up.

The terrible trailers today

Anthony Sherratt has a problem with the modern marketing of movies today. Have we lost the art of making a quality trailer?

What is wrong with people making movie trailers nowadays? They appear to have lost sight of the fact that their job is to entice people to the screening of that film.

Instead of teasing us or piquing our interest, the trailers of the past few years seem intent on summarising the movie for us.

I used to love being early to the cinema and sitting back to enjoy tantalising glimpses of pleasures to come. It was storytelling foreplay.

But now I’m finding myself with my fingers in my ears singing “lalala I can’t hear you” as trailer after trailer shows what’s going to happen. Or the best lines. Or the best stunts.

And don’t even start me on trailers that show things that don’t end up in the movie (that’s a rant for another day).

It’s not a difficult concept guys – the trailer should show us the general concept (ie what the film is about) in an interesting way. Not give us an entire summary. Not give away the twists. Not show us things close to the ending.

It’s not rocket science.

The best trailer of recent times? And perhaps ever? Easy. Taken (2008). Trailer. Alternate trailer.

Why is so good? They show you the concept – young girl being abducted while the father listens on the phone. Then the father provides a chilling monologue to one of the kidnappers in which we discover he’s a man of “special skills” (black ops is implied). His monologue ends with an ultimatum of “I will find you. I will kill you.” The kidnapper wishes him good luck.

The second I saw this trailer I was excited. I couldn’t wait for the movie to come out. I knew what it was about but knew nothing past the early stages of the film. My anticipation was through the roof.

THAT’S what good trailers are about.

Burn After Reading

What’s it about?
A computer disk containing CIA secrets ends up in the hands of two unscrupulous everyday normal people who try to sell it.

What we think:
Anthony says It should have been Burnt Before Screening. Pretentious rubbish that attempts high-brow but can’t resist some cheap laughs and completely loses its way. Not even an all-star cast will keep you awake.

Captain America: The First Avenger

What’s it about?
A frail but stubborn youth is so determined to enlist to fight in WWII he volunteers for an experimental project that injects super serum into his body turning him into a superhero. Based on the Marvel comics character,

What did we think?
Anthony says: This movie simultaneously manages to demonstrate what can be great and awful about movies based on comics. The first half is impressive character building and backstory. Sadly the second half is just cheesy CGI and scenes fraught with plotholes.

Avatar movie review

Will James Cameron’s new blockbuster leave you feeling blue?

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