Cloud Atlas
- By Elizabeth Best
- 12 years ago
What’s it about?
Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Hugo Weaving and a stellar ensemble cast navigate their way through multiple characters and six interwoven storylines spanning from the 1800s to some time in the far-off future after humanity has been mostly wiped out. Ostensibly, it’s about how small actions can ripple and cascade through the passage of time and change the world.
I think.
What did we think?
Cloud Atlas will polarise people: it’s visually gorgeous, overwhelmingly ambitious, and thematically and emotionally complex, but it’s also long, confusing in parts and a little philosophically heavy-handed. In essence, it was like losing my virginity – I didn’t really know what was happening, and, when I figured it out, it was basically over. But I’m pretty sure I really liked it.
Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away 3D
- By Stephen Scott
- 12 years ago
What’s it about?
A misfit searches through seven fantasy worlds for the aerialist she’s fallen for. Who are we kidding? It’s Cirque du Soleil’s Greatest Hits.
What did we think?
Stephen Scott says: when asked to describe a traveling Cirque du Soleil show, I said “it’s something you have to experience for yourself”. The same can be said for this mish-mash of the company’s seven Las Vegas live shows.
How does it compare to a live show?
- Nowhere near as good: when you see it live you are immersed in the breathtaking experience. This is more like a Whitman’s Sampler – with so many amazing bits, and the flimsiest of plots, it gets surprisingly dull.
- Just as good: HOW DO THEY DO THAT? Wow. What an astonishing display of human ability.
- Even better than the real thing: you get to see all the minute details, plus some things you’ll never see live.
Beautiful Creatures
- By Stephen Scott
- 12 years ago
What’s it about?
A coming-of-age teenage romance between a witch and a mortal in America’s Bible Belt.
What did we think?
Stephen says: This is not a spellbound angsty Twilight or a Deep South Harry Potter, rather Beautiful Creatures is a forbidden romance tale where the girl happens to be a witch (sorry – a “Caster”).
Imagine if teenagers made a PG version of True Blood, with the witchcraft of Bewitched, and performed it lovingly in the over-the-top accents of SNL’s Colonel Angus sketch (Jeremy Irons is the worst offender – although you can tell that Emma Thompson had a ball). Even when it stumbles or becomes a little too predictable, I’m calling this thoroughly enjoyable flick my guilty pleasure of 2013.
Safe Haven
- By Elizabeth Best
- 12 years ago
What’s it about?
A woman on the run from a detective, lands in Southport, North Carolina, where she meets a handsome widower and his kids, and must ultimately confront her past.
What did we think?
Hilary says: The marketing of this film trumpets its connection to much-loved films The Notebook (same writer) and Cider House Rules (same director). Sadly, this makes the Save Haven seem even worse than it already is, simply by comparison. Sound performances by Josh Duhamel and Julianne Hough are marred by dull dialogue, a painful pace and a score that flips jarringly from overly dramatic pieces to cheesy country, making the film feel disjointed. A twist in the middle helps ramp up the momentum, but the second twist at the end is odd and unnecessary. All this, combined with laughable over-acting by David Lyons as the detective, leaves Safe Haven in midday-movie territory. Not even Duhamel taking his shirt off can save this. Do your relationship a favour, ladies, and do not drag your boyfriend to this movie.
- By Stephen Scott
- 12 years ago
What’s it about?
Tina is a simple lass who is looking forward to going on a caravan holiday with her new boyfriend Chris (an “erotic caravanning holiday” as he puts it), where they will see the majestic sights of the Crich Tramway Museum, and the Keswick Pencil Museum – with a few brutal murders thrown in for good luck.
What do we think?
Stephen says: not a black comedy, an über-black comedy. No light penetrates the darkness even though people have reported it’s hilariously laugh-out-loud funny. I laughed. Three times. But the humour here is more creepy and uncomfortable. The type where you cringe as you guffaw. “Oh look, he smashed that man’s head into pulp – literally pulp (giggle).”
It’s beautifully acted, but slow paced, and when it comes down to it, a one trick pony that just doesn’t go anywhere.
- By admin
- 12 years ago
Starting where other romantic comedies finish, I GIVE IT A YEAR stars Rose Byrne and Rafe Spall as Nat and Josh, a mismatched couple navigating their first year of marriage. Their wedding is a dream come true, but family and friends think it won’t last. When Josh’s ex-girlfriend Chloe (Anna Faris) and Nat’s handsome new client Guy (Simon Baker) come into the picture, the situation gets a little more complicated. Neither wants to be the first to give up, but will they make it?
From the producers of Notting Hill, Bridget Jones’s Diary and Love Actually, I GIVE IT A YEAR is a modern and smart romantic comedy with huge laughs.
Release date: Feb 2