- By Anthony Sherratt
- 11 years ago
This should be fascinating. Both the story and what they choose to focus on.
How To Train Your Dragon 2
- By Anthony Sherratt
- 11 years ago
I LOVED the first movie. It was a delightful story and so beautifully made and one of the very few movies I believe work in 3D. So I’m a bit excited about the sequel. It’s interesting that it seems a little more grown up than the original but perhaps it’s aging with its audience. Either way I’m looking forward to it.
Mr Peabody and Sherman
- By Anthony Sherratt
- 11 years ago
Not characters I have any affinity to but the trailer looks fun and interesting. And I do love time travel…
Okay, now I’ve put it on my To Watch list.
Paranormal Activity – The Marked Ones
- By Anthony Sherratt
- 11 years ago
I love horror movies but, to be honest, the last decade or so has been reasonably devoid of decent horror flicks. Then along came Paranormal Activity which reminded filmmakers that scary movies are more about suspense than gore, blood and detailed monsters. Love them.
So here are some clips of the upcoming latest PA movie.