Ant Man and the Wasp
- By Elizabeth Best
- 7 years ago
What’s it about?
Scott/Ant Man (Paul Rudd) is struggling with the fallout of answering the Civil War call. He’s not legally allowed to have contact with Hank (Michael Douglas) or Hope (Evangeline Lilly), but they need him for a mission so…
What did we think?
Elizabeth Best says: It’s the characters who make this movie enjoyable, which is lucky because a strong story line is nowhere to be found. It’s a sequel that doesn’t really know what it wants to be, and that leaves the audience clinging to the quips of our heroes and waiting for something to really invest in. Interestingly, this movie was meant to be released BEFORE Avengers: Infinity War. I won’t say whether they do or don’t address that but it’s worthwhile noting.