What’s it about?
Privileged and whinging Sarah complains to her rich family that she doesn’t want to look after Patrick, the spoilt pug her Grandmother bequeathed her. Thanks to Patrick she meets a well built and rich dude, and a disheveled but poor-looking dude. Yawn.
What did we think?
Stephen Scott says: Inoffensive drivel.
You seriously want more? If you’re wavering then the quick answer is “no”.
You’re still here? OK, here’s the long answer … this try-hard romcom fails to pull at the heartstrings because:
- You don’t care about any of the characters because the backstory is insipid
- You don’t care about any of the characters because they’re all self-absorbed whingers
- There are too many plot lines trying to be resolved. If we don’t care about the characters, none of these plots matter. Der.
- Do we really have to try to make a British version of Dangerous Minds? It doesn’t work.
- A fit, young lady shouldn’t have the problems the lead has in attempting a 5km run. It’s unbelievable.
- The dog just doesn’t have charisma (until the credits when the behind-the-scenes shots show the missed potential)
- You’d get far more enjoyment staying at home watching funny dog videos online
- I can keep going, but I think you get the drift.